DOMINO PP RED Heeb's Domino PP Red
HB-Nr. 298631
ID 120152289558
aAa: 243
Beta casein: A1A1
index: gen.CH 12.2024
Polled status: PP
PedigreeSolitair P
x Galahad
x Apoll
x Ladd P
x VG 87 Advent
x EX 90 September Storm
x EX 92 Durham Debutante RAE
Domino PP Red remains one of the highest PP sires in Switzerland and comes from the Roxy family. He goes back to the show and breeding icon Scientific Debutante Rae EX 92 via a very interesting sire succession. With 1.449 kg of milk and high components, Domino PP Red has 129 kg of fat/protein. He combines this with very good fitness values, easy births (119 in conjunction with a mat. calving ease of 128) and a functional conformation with an average size, slightly sloping pelvis, perfectly angled hind legs and udders suitable for robots with longer teats.
Production | IPL 136 72% |
Milk kg | +1431 |
Fat % | +0,05 |
Fat kg | +63 |
Protein % | +0,14 |
Protein kg | +61 |
IFF 112 |
Somatic cell score | 110 |
Mastitisresistenz | 101 |
Productive Life | 117 |
Daughter Pregnancy Rate | 107 |
Persistenz | 107 |
Milking Speed | 99 |
Sire calving ease | 120 |
Daughter calving ease | 129 |
Exterieur | ITP 102 |
Dairy Character | | 99 |
Body Composite | | 105 |
Feet & Legs | | 99 |
Udder | | 103 |
3GM: Future Dream Advent DEBU-RED VG 87