HAVANA Wilder Havana
HB-Nr. 499127
ID 0540130093
aAa: 342
Beta casein: A2A2
index: gen.CH 08.2024
Polled status: -
Wilder Havana
Wilder Havana
x VG-85 Altasuperstar
x EX 90 Modena
x VG-85 Saloon
x VG 85 Snowman
x VG 87 Goldwyn
x EX 94 Outside KORA
x VG 88 Comestar Lee
x VG 85 Starleader
x VG 89 Raider
x VG 89 Jubilant RF
x VG 89 Astro Jet
x EX 90 Starbuck
x EX 90 S-W-D Valiant
Havana is an international high testing Imax son that goes back to the European Champion (2yr) Batke Outside Kora EX-94. GM Hilly is in the 4th lactation EX 90 and has 4/3La. 12,196 kgM with 3.9 F and 3.59 E, great-granddam Wilder Hira is a multiple international bull dam. Havana himself transmits a good production with very high components, an excellent conformation with very good udder and feet and legs transmission as well as a long useful life and good udder health with positive milkability. Havana is testing Beta Casein A2A2.
Total indexISET 1402
ProductionIPL 140 76%
Milk kg+1123
Fat %+0,45
Fat kg+87
Protein %+0,23
Protein kg+58
IFF 112
Somatic cell score114
Productive Life111
Daughter Pregnancy Rate105
Milking Speed104
Sire calving ease108
Daughter calving ease118
ExterieurITP 114
Dairy Character 109
Body Composite 102
Feet & Legs 101
Udder 114
Höhe Vorhanddeep111high
Body depthshallow98deep
Rip structuretight rib113open rib
Rump anglehigh pins97sloped
Thurl widthnarrow113wide
Rear legs side viewposty96sickled
Rear legs rear viewhocked in100parallel
Foot angleflat97steep
Rear udder heightdeep110high
Udder depthdeep122high
Udder cleftweak103strong
Front teat placementwide119close
Rear teat placementwide118close
Teat lengthshort95long
GM: Wilder Hilly EX 90
 GM: Wilder Hilly EX 90