HB-Nr. 509254
ID 120139090436
aAa: 243
Beta casein: A1A2
index: ZW CH 08.2024
Polled status: P
x Powerball
x VG 85 Delect Red
x GP 83 Doberman
x GP 84 Mr. Burns
x VG 87 Goldwyn
x EX 94 2E Lylehaven LILA Z (Durham)
x EX 94 2E Formation
x EX 94 Starbuck
LEUTNANT Z P is the former No. 1 polled sire in Switzerland! He comes from the family of the show and breeding icon LILA Z EX-94 and promises a very high production with lots of protein, easy births, extremely high daughter fertility and longevity as well as an absolutely flawless conformation with very wide, slightly sloping rumps and optimally angled hind legs high heels and udders with good suitability for robots.
Production | IPL 124 90% |
Milk kg | +1346 |
Fat % | -0,39 |
Fat kg | +19 |
Protein % | +0,08 |
Protein kg | +50 |
IFF 123 |
Somatic cell score | 113 |
Mastitisresistenz | 104 |
Productive Life | 109 |
Daughter Pregnancy Rate | 119 |
Persistenz | 110 |
Milking Speed | 100 |
Sire calving ease | 118 |
Daughter calving ease | 127 |
Exterieur | ITP 109 |
Dairy Character | | 100 |
Body Composite | | 115 |
Feet & Legs | | 101 |
Udder | | 109 |
Mutter: Villstar Laurianne Z P