Bento PP is a sire with a very balanced transmission profile and goes back to the polled icon Golden-Oaks Perk Rae Red EX-90, i.e. the Roxy family. his Hologram P - dam Playmate, who completed her 1st lactation with extremely high components, is classified 85 - 86 - 83 - 86 / VG 85. He convinces with a performance breeding value based on very high components and combines this with extraordinarily good health breeding values. The birth process is normal, the cell counts are low and the useful life is very long. In terms of conformation, Bento PP promises medium-sized, developable animals with optimally sloped rumps and functional feet and legs. The udders will be high and firmly attached and have significantly longer teats. Bento PP is one of the highest P sires on the market for Mortellaro resistance.