HB-Nr. 688983
BIC 276000541538980
aAa: 243
Beta casein: A2A2
index: gen.ZW 08.2024
Polled status: PP
PedigreeSanseo P
x VG-85 My Dream P
x VG-85 Kerrigan
x GP-81 Supershot
x GP-83 Parker P
x GP-82 Colt P
x EX-92 Shottle Delight
x EX-94 Goldwyn Delicious
x EX-91 Durham
Spotted PP Red goes back to the cow family of Curr-Vale Delicious EX-94 and, as the only homozygous polled Sanseo son and without Solitair, Hotspot or Match blood, represents an alternative for polled Red Holstein breeding at a high level. Spotted PP is one of the highest PP bulls by milk kg on the market and currently No. 2 for protein kg in the rbt. PP sires. Otherwise Spotted convinces with an attractive conformation with good udder transmission with longer teats as well as the frequently sought-after transmission of sloping rumps. Spotted also convinces with good health values, he is well suited for heifer insemination due to easy births and also tests A2A2.
Total index | RZG 135 | RZ€ 1509 |
Production | RZM 142 75% |
genomic | |
Milk kg | +1476 |
Fat % | +0,01 |
Fat kg | +61 |
Protein % | +0,06 |
Protein kg | +58 |
Functionality |
RZN | Productive Life | 99 |
RZS | Somatic cell score | 102 |
RZR | Daughter Pregnancy Rate | 98 |
RZPersistenz | Persistenz | 109 |
RZD | Milking Speed | 88 |
KVd | Sire calving ease | 117 |
RZKm | Daughter calving ease | 105 |
RZOeko | Ecological Index | 119 |
RZFE1 | Feed Efficiency | 110 |
Health | RZHealth 112 |
RZEuterfit | Udder health | 105 |
RZKlauen | Claw health | 108 |
DDcontrol | DDcontrol | 109 |
RZRepro | Fertility | 105 |
RZMetabol | Metabolic stability | 105 |
RZKälberfit | Calves fitness | 100 |
Exterieur | RZE 107 |
genomic |
Dairy Character | | 111 |
Body Composite | | 91 |
Feet & Legs | | 104 |
Udder | | 108 |
Mutter: SHV Dreamline PP RF VG 85 / VG 87 Euter