HB-Nr. 499120
BIC 276000667131219
aAa: 234
Beta casein: A2/A2
index: gen.ZW 08.2024
Polled status: P
PedigreeAdagio P
x VG 85 Milford P
x VG-85 Balisto
x GP-82 Epic
x VG-89 M-O-M
x VG-86 Goldwyn
x EX-90 Jocko Besne
x VG 89 Chief Adam
x VG 86 Bell Elton
x VG 85 Ned Boy
HLB Armani P is one of the highest Adagio sons on the market and with 124 RZG is ranked 4th among the daughter proven polled bulls in Germany. He is a great-grandson of the international bull dam Padkaer Epic Juliana (Jelykoe EX 90 / Tidy-Brook Elton Steph - family of Big Point and Addison). Armani P offers the complete package with good performance and very high ingredients. He also transmits an excellent conformation with a faultless linear as well as good hoof health and Mortellaro resistance. He is also testing A2A2.
Total index | RZG 124 | RZ€ 1057 |
Production | RZM 124 94% |
Daughters/herds | 157/59 |
Milk kg | +188 |
Fat % | +0,47 |
Fat kg | +57 |
Protein % | +0,14 |
Protein kg | +21 |
Functionality |
RZN | Productive Life | 112 |
RZS | Somatic cell score | 109 |
RZR | Daughter Pregnancy Rate | 98 |
RZPersistenz | Persistenz | 101 |
RZD | Milking Speed | 100 |
KVd | Sire calving ease | 93 |
RZKm | Daughter calving ease | 110 |
RZOeko | Ecological Index | 116 |
RZFE1 | Feed Efficiency | 97 |
RZRobot | RZRobot | 111 |
Health | RZHealth 104 |
RZEuterfit | Udder health | 103 |
RZKlauen | Claw health | 106 |
DDcontrol | DDcontrol | 109 |
RZRepro | Fertility | 97 |
RZMetabol | Metabolic stability | 99 |
RZKälberfit | Calves fitness | 106 |
Exterieur | RZE 112 |
Daughters/herds | 30/16 |
Dairy Character | | 114 |
Body Composite | | 98 |
Feet & Legs | | 113 |
Udder | | 105 |
GGGM: Padkaer RZG Julie VG-89