SUMMER Tö. CCC King Doc Summer
HB-Nr. 499142
US ID HODEU000123387160
aAa: 234
Beta casein: A2A2
index: gen.US 08.2024
Polled status: -
CCC Summer
CCC Summer
King Doc
x VG-87 Commander
x EX-95 Mccutchen
x VG-89 Lavanguard
x VG-87 FBI
x VG 86 Freelance
x VG 88 Convincer
x VG 86 Formation
x VG 88 Aerostar
x EX CAN Enhancer
x EX CAN Sir Christopher
CCC Summer is a very complete and highly testing King Doc son out of the Glen-Drummond Splendor family. His great-granddam Misty Springs Lavanguard Sue is the dam of exceptional type sire Walnutlawn Solomon and his granddam Summer EX-95 was the No. 1 cow for conformation in Canada. Summer passes on an outstanding conformation - with 2,91 PTAT he is by far the highest King Doc son for conformation, in addition to that he also has a good production with high components and a very good overall index. He is also testing the top combination of beta-casein A2A2 and kappa-casein BB.
Total indexTPI 2644
ProductionNM$ 50888%
Fat %+0,19
Fat yield+68
Protein %+0,05
Protein yield+30
SCSSomatic cell score2,82
PLProductive Life+1,80
DPRDaughter Pregnancy Rate-2,00
SCESire calving ease2,6%
DCEDaughter calving ease2,7%
Health Index2,5
Disp. Abomasum+0,3
Ret. Placenta+0,2
ExterieurPTAT 2.91
DCDairy Character1.98
BCBody Composite0.45
F&LFeet & Legs1.24
Dairy charactertight rib2.79open rib
Body depthshallow1.82deep
Rump anglehigh pins-1.14sloped
Thurl widthnarrow1.73wide
Rear legs side viewposty2.02sickled
Foot angleflat1.82steep
Rear legs rear viewhocked in1.65parallel
Rear udder heightdeep3.27high
Udder cleftweak1.33strong
Front teat placementwide1.62close
Rear teat placementwide1.37close
Fore udder attachmentloose3.23strong
Udder depthdeep1.97high
Teat lengthshort-0.1long
GM: Walnutlawn McCutchen Summer EX-95 EX 96 Euter
 GM: Walnutlawn McCutchen Summer EX-95 EX 96 Euter