HB-Nr. 499322
US ID HODEU000365902241
aAa: -
Beta casein: A1A2
index: gen.US 12.2024
Polled status: -
Mutter: Danhof Gameday Geiles Gerät VG-85
Mutter: Danhof Gameday Geiles Gerät VG-85
x Gameday VG-85
x GP-83 Legacy
x VG-85 Yoda
x VG-86 Balisto
x VG-86 Emerald
x VG-87 Jeeves
x VG-88 Jet Stream
x EX-91 Titanic
x VG-88 Mtoto
x VG-88 Manfred
x Mandel
x VG-85 Bell Elton
x VG-88 Aerostar
x EX 90 Rotate Gaiety
x EX 94 Mars Tony
x EX 90 Cinnamon
x EX 90 Astronaut
Bologna is a full brother of Bergamo and, like Bergamo, connects the cow families of Dellia EX 95 with Rotate Gaiety EX 90 (our perennial favorite Glamour Red also comes from this family) via his sire Bosvito, who comes from three generations of EX classified dams from the Cookiecutter MOM Halo family, with the Gameday dam, who was one of the highest breeding cattle according to TPI of her year in Europe and is now classified VG- 85 (86 udder - 86 feet & legs). Bologna's dam goes back over eight generations of VG or EX classified dams to Schillview Mtoto Gladd VG-88. Bologna himself is a very attractive all-rounder with a top performance with high components, very high longevity, very good cell values with positive milkability and excellent health values. Bologna also passes on very good conformation with lots of milk type, wide rumps, good feet & legs and excellent udder inheritance. Bologna can be used for heifer inseminations and tests Kappa-casein BB.
Total indexTPI 3148
ProductionNM$ 114079%
Fat %+0,24
Fat yield+114
Protein %+0,09
Protein yield+65
SCSSomatic cell score2,62
PLProductive Life+6,10
DPRDaughter Pregnancy Rate-1,80
SCESire calving ease2%
DCEDaughter calving ease2%
Health Index8,2
Disp. Abomasum+0,5
Ret. Placenta+0,5
ExterieurPTAT 2.12
DCDairy Character1.06
BCBody Composite-0.45
F&LFeet & Legs-0.04
Dairy charactertight rib2.46open rib
Body depthshallow0.37deep
Rump anglehigh pins-0.51sloped
Thurl widthnarrow1.7wide
Rear legs side viewposty0.68sickled
Foot angleflat0.46steep
Rear legs rear viewhocked in-0.12parallel
Rear udder heightdeep3.07high
Udder cleftweak1.47strong
Front teat placementwide1.63close
Rear teat placementwide1.56close
Fore udder attachmentloose2.7strong
Udder depthdeep1.94high
Teat lengthshort-0.33long
V-3M: Cookiecutter Rubi Homey EX-91
 V-3M: Cookiecutter Rubi Homey EX-91