HB-Nr. 298774
ID 120169149210
aAa: 243
Beta casein: A2A2
index: gen.CH 12.2024
Polled status: P
x GP-82 Rubels
x GP-84 Successor
x VG-86 Airship
x EX 93 Mr. Savage
x VG 89 Roumare
x EX 90 Jargol
x VG 89 Koerier 104
x VG 87 Alcott
BITCOIN P RED is a high-testing son of McDonald and comes from a cow family filled with high-ranking cows. His bloodline is very interesting and his sire stack has illustrious names, which, however, are not very widespread in the pedigrees of the active population today. This outcross bloodline - especially for polled breeding - makes Bitcoin P Red, in addition to his outstanding heredity profile, a bull that you simply have to use. Bitcoin P Red combines high performance with good ingredients (plus beta-casein A2/A2) with excellent udder health and mastitis resistance with average milking speed. Longevity, daughter fertility, persistence and calving ease are just as convincing as the very balanced exterior profile. The offspring will have a balanced ratio of size and strength, the parallel hind legs ensure very harmonious movements and the udders are suspended high with slightly shorter lines placed in the middle.
Production | IPL 131 71% |
Milk kg | +1433 |
Fat % | +0,13 |
Fat kg | +71 |
Protein % | +0,00 |
Protein kg | +48 |
IFF 117 |
Somatic cell score | 123 |
Mastitisresistenz | 121 |
Productive Life | 116 |
Daughter Pregnancy Rate | 111 |
Persistenz | 108 |
Milking Speed | 100 |
Sire calving ease | 109 |
Daughter calving ease | 110 |
Exterieur | ITP 122 |
Dairy Character | | 118 |
Body Composite | | 104 |
Feet & Legs | | 114 |
Udder | | 114 |
Mutter: B.O.A Rubels Bellevue Red GP 82